Saturday, April 20, 2013

A Little About Me

Well Hello! This is my first entry of my blog..... Exciting!! I have been wanting to do a blog for a while now but have been wrestling with what to focus on. Should I do cooking? Maybe a hairstyle blog? Or crafts? I love crafts! I wasn't able to pin something specific down though so.... Shari's Crazy World is going to be a little of everything. Little tips I pick up that I want to share, yummy recipes, my latest project with a simple how to guide and I am hoping that people enjoy it. So a little about me... in this crazy world of mine I am first and for most a Mom a title which I hold close to my heart. This job is the hardest of any I've ever had! It doesn't come with a manual or a specific job description and it certainly doesn't have paid training, or any previous training. It's a learn as you go, trial by fire kind of job. Perhaps a little bit of my experiences can help in some little way.

For example... here is my latest project.

*Read in awesome infomercial voice*  "Do you ever get tired of picking up your bathroom towels? When you go to dry your hands do you end up shaking them off? Or worse wiping them on your clothes? Do you have little munchkins in your house that like playing hide and seek with your hand towels? Well never fear the hand towel fastener 2000 is here!!" Okay so maybe it isn't all as exciting as that BUT if you have kids like mine and get frustrated that the dang towel NEVER stays on the towel bar this is a must! So I will admit I got the idea from my wonderful sister, I was staying at her house a month or so ago and saw she had tied a shoelace around her towel. Genius idea! However I saw room for improvement because something can be functional and cute at the same time so this is what I came up with.

A fairly easy way to keep that towel on the bar, and its cute!! The longest thing was cutting out the little star and hearts with my scroll saw and sanding them but you could always find some cute little dangly things from the craft store. 
So all you have to do to get this is simply weave some hemp in a cute little braid (long enough to go around your towel) and then take your glue gun and add some cute little decorations. TA-DA! No more floor towel.
Yay!! One less thing to pick up. Comment and let me know what you think.

Have a great day all and God bless :) 

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