Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Homemade Body and Facial Wax

I haven't posted in a while, shame shame on me! I will be better at this I promise BUT I recently came across something I had to share! It was a few days ago I was mid errand running and I thought I felt something  on my cheek so I brush at it with my hand and.. ICK I felt a stiff hair that SHOULD NOT be there! How are we women supposed to feel pretty and sexy with facial hair. Well it so happens that day I was also flat broke so I went home and started the dreaded plucking of the hair. WAIT! Sorry it is not plucking! As the daughter of a licensed cosmetologist I should know by now "You pluck a chicken, you TWEEZE your eyebrows" or other hair etc haha. Anyway so I decided I was done with the tweezing as I hate pulling out one hair OUCH! at OUCH! a OUCH! time OUCH!!! I figured there had to be a way to make a wax like stuff from normal household items right? Of course there is! Now I found this by googling homemade body and facial wax and while I found many different websites I didn't use one specifically but kind of combined different ideas to come up with what I wanted. So here it is.


1/2 c. Lemon Juice ( if freshly squeezed you'll need about 3 or 4 lemons)
1/2 c. Water
   1 c. White Sugar

Place ingredients in pot and boil. Constantly stirring because it will boil over.

Now here is part of the reason I looked into so many different ones. Many didn't say how long to boil just until it became darker and "sticky" one said to boil on low for 45 minutes but... Ain't nobody got time for that! So I pulled out my candy thermometer and boiled at medium high for about 10 to 15 minutes until it got right around soft ball range on my thermometer.

After it has reached the soft ball stage remove from heat and stir then pour into a microwave safe container. Allow to cool to a comfortable temperature BEFORE putting on your face or body. Applying hot wax WOULD cause burns so please please please be cautious. To apply you could use a plastic knife, a wooden popsicle stick or pretty much whatever works as this wax is extremely easy to wash off. 

Now for the waxing strips. 

I had an old cotton curtain that I've had in a box for ages that I decided to cut up. Old cotton sheets, left over fabric scraps, anything like that would work wonders. Also with this wax being made from sugar water and lemon juice it washes right out. Use your strips, wash out the wax, let them dry and use them again. Yay no more buying store wax or spending $40 at a salon. 

TA-DA!  Happy Waxing :)  Be safe. Oh and yes this does store well so put it in a microwave safe plastic container with a lid and make it in bulk and store for future use. 

Happy Wednesday all God Bless

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